u (GMC-TCRWO-BD) By Pastor J. B. Moonna : "Pray for our ministries fields to safe from Flooded."

Aug 23, 2016

"Pray for our ministries fields to safe from Flooded."

Pray for our ministries fields to safe from Flooded.

Last week fully rained after created flood into our several mission fields.  

Left picture are about our new compound and we have praying to build here an boarding English Medium School and have planed for an Theology training institute both here. 

Here are still required to filling inside of the land to be build enough height to avoiding flood in next time of raining session in future. 

At the moment we praying for resources to do all these missions and especially we are humbly dedicated these all projects to our honorable brother, Dr. Rev. Joseph Tseng. He is going to retired from CBC this year in September and He is a person to us as Umbrella on GMC administrations even from the beginning of our ministries in Bangladesh.  

The new land is about west-130 feet, east-104 feet, south 187 feet, and north 230 feet. All the credits of these projections for glories of our Lord and Father in Heaven even here we all are trying to do show the loves of God by our level best trying activities in good works. 

For doing all these projects are still required a biggest funds and no one of us are don't know yet where is the funds? But everyone of us are strongly believed that God will supply our needs because He knows our vision and missions and purposes of our ministries.

Heavily rained are the reason of these current situations of our spaces are under the water.

"Villages under attacked in Flood" 

Lakkhikathi village totally under flooded even it's being affected for health. It's because toilets and grounds are same level and water pollination are visible now. Peoples in village are now in verily hardship for lacks of feeds, pure drinking water and others daily needs in life.

GMC administrations are only praying for these situations because of our pool are fully empty now. Our teachers of GMC Lakkhikathi Emmanuel Primary School wrote me a letter that Teachers and students houses are under flooded and really they need helps for at least pure drinking water. Also mostly needed them some foods because there is no way now to cooks anything.  


 "Villagers under hardship"

Currently villagers going on hardship for floods. Even has been lost so many fish ponds because of this floods. Our General Secretary Mr. Basudab Mondal met me at last business day at my Khulna office. And He informed me about the whole situations of the villages and explained about the hardship. 

Basudab told me He has started a fish projects before a month in this area and He took a loan about $2,500.00 USD to do this and His purpose was to earn a profit for our ministries but this flood crushed His planed and now we got another down from our finance. I just suggested Him to pray for God's control and trust what happened behind has goods for us from God. He agreed and we prayed together long time. 

"Rivers broken" 

In these villages beside of the a biggest river and at the time rivers and ponds abiding each other and made pains to spending days over there. One of our teacher Miss. Snigdha Roy told me that her house abiding in river and rivers flowing brooked side protections and her house and family at risk now. Our General Secretary took our volunteers to refine normally to face that case and finally it's temperately safe now.

Please pray for us to survive these situations with our families and students especially we concerned about their health care to safe from water populations.    

 " School ground"

Right side picture about the space of our school ground. It's totally flooded and water flowing there. Our school's staffs concerned for this situation being difficulties to run our educations ministries even right now it's a issue of safety. 

Especially water pollution will affected our staffs, students and villagers both. And at the moment we are in need finance to helps them. For lack of our funds we didn't paid till now four months staff salaries and now this flooded attacked in living safely over there. It's really very hardship for all of us and we just looking to God for His mercy and blessings. And we do believed blessings on the way in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ almighty Amen!  

Left side picture about school compound's tube-well, bathroom and toilets space.

Just in one sentence we can say that School at risk now. It's happened for river's flowing over flowed and continues raining. 

At the moments we just facing critical moments and we really needy now to overcome from this current situations.

 Our volunteers are trying there level best to be build a temporary protections from river's over flowing and tried to making way to released waters from grounds. 

Friends and families in Christ, we are really highly needed funds to be providing aids, foods and pure drinking waters for mission fields.

 If anyone desire to helps to the needy peoples in our mission fields then feel free to writing me.

Email: moonna999@gmail.com     

Open offering info:

Here we are place the info of our organizational bank account info for any offering on this situations.

Bank:Dutch Bangla Bank Limited Branch: Khulna, Bangladesh.
Beneficiary : Gospel Movement Church (TCRWO)
Account no: 120.110.21911
Swift Code: DBBLBDDH
Mob: +880-1930-964-195

Even western union or money gram or electronics offering may acceptable: Name: J. B. Moonna; Address: 16/17, KDA Approach Road, KDA Newmarket-9000; Sonadanga, Khulna, Bangladesh. Prepaid Master Card name and no: J.B.Moonna; 5300-7211-1886-3361 

Our volunteers are trying to safe our school materials and trying to making way to clearing water from the ground. 

We really thankful for the service of our new General Secretary Mr. Basudab Mondal and His team are really doing great over there. Also our another mission fields Shapur situations are same and I do hope if possible then I will visit there but raining is an fact to traveling now. Also funds too. Just praying with our advisers teams here in Central office. 

Also I have sends texts to our all volunteers around in Bangladesh in Baniarchar, Shapur and Lakkhikathi mission fields and most of co-workers informed me about situations are same. Dear brothers and sisters, friends and families in Christ, here I am humbly applying to all of you to pray for our ministries and especially our affected mission fields yet. And if possible to helps us by your little offering to helps our mission fields urgency required of basics materials. 

We are believing that however happened? Wherever we are and how far? Dose not matter because we all are one in Christ and prayers networking are the key of blessings and mercy from our heavenly Father in Jesus name. Amen!

Once again respect and loves from my heart to all my brothers and sisters in Him. May God bless and keep us safe and given us strength to keeping good works for His glories in Jesus name I pray. Amen!

In Christ,
Pastor J. B. Moonna
Founder, Chairman
Gospel Movement Church (TCRWO)
Khulna, Bangladesh.
Mobile: +880-1930-964-195
Mobile: +880-1740-367-345
Mobile: +880-1537-083-417

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