“So now the LORD said to him, “Since you have not kept my covenant and have disobeyed my decrees, I will surely tear the kingdom away from you and give it to one of your servants. But for the sake of your father, David, I will not do this while you are still alive. I will take the kingdom away from your son.”
1 Kings 11:11-12
Solomon at his old age worshipped other idols and did not completely follow the Lord. Due to Solomon's disobedience, the punishment went to his son and all of God's people. However, when the leader fell away to idols, the people also fell away. The people will naturally follow the leader (or parent).
Solomon as a king can represent a church or family. He represents the authority. The people under King Solomon can be considered his congregation. If Solomon represented a family, the people can be considered his children.
Even in today's time, churches or families are torn apart. Many pray asking God for help and restoration but they do not realize it is due to their own idols and disobedience. We may need to repent as we ask for help. More sad is when the children or congregation fall under more of the judgment for the choices and sin of the parents. When God said to Solomon, "I will tear the kingdom away from you," God is like saying "I will tear your congregation away from you!" Or "I will tear your children away from you!"
It is so important the choices and obedience we make as parents and leaders of God's people. We will most definitely see the fruit we bear whether we choose to obey or disobey. The outcome and lives of our children may be determined by the choices we make today.
In verse 9, It shows God had come to Solomon two times to warn him. May we learn and never take God's warning lightly. Even more frightening is Solomon did this at an old age when everything was comfortable.
Pastor J. B. Moonna

The almighty God inspired to J.B.Moonna to build a organization to make changed the Christians ministries in Bangladesh. In March-07-2010 J.B.Moonna had made the foundation of Gospel Movement Church (Trust Christian Religious Welfare Organization) and it registered from government of Bangladesh in March-07-2013. Pastor J. B. Moonna Founder, Chairman, Executives Director Gospel Movement Church (TCRWO) 161/02, Jongshon Cross Road, Borboira Christian Para, GPO-9000, Khalishpur, Khulna Bangladesh.