u (GMC-TCRWO-BD) By Pastor J. B. Moonna : How to preaching with Muslims in Bangladesh about Gospel of Jesus Christ?

Sep 20, 2013

How to preaching with Muslims in Bangladesh about Gospel of Jesus Christ?

How to preaching with Muslims in Bangladesh about gospel of Jesus Christ?

Before starting preaching surly have to make a Bible seminary. Even it will be take a bigger amount of monies but this is need first because it will be the foundation for the whole systems.

Lesson: 01>>
a) Communication.
b) Relation.
c) Advising as a well known person.
d) Helpers.
e) Welfare center.
f) Rural developments center
g) Bible centered education school, college.
h) New society base.
i) New community.

Lesson: 2>>
What kind of Communication?
a) 1st step to finding person who is in stay a local and who already believer.
b) 2nd Contact with the local person who will be the media between you and 
    Ministry location.
c) 3rd getting the data of the local place, about education, social systems, incomes
    Of each family, youth data, and finally make sure about next steps.

Lesson: 3>>
What kind of relationships?
1st thing is after completed communications part, next lesson needed to entered and 
     It is one of most important part that is Relation.
2nd step is must have chosen a young man who can works harder and who can
     Helps to you to make next steps.
3rd step Create a group at least 5-7 members and continue take caring them and
     Make closer relationship.
4th Chosen at least two to three leaders from the group as you made already.
5th It is the most important part that you chosen team leaders and let you needed to
    Start a project like a helper of the local areas but you have to do by your chosen
    Leaders, because peoples will be taken them easily when they will helps to
    Peoples then peoples will accepted them easily and honor them. 
6th Get ready for next steps.

Lesson: 4>>   
This is the very important part for you because you must have keeping knowledge about many things. Because now you becomes a well known adviser, and you will advise to the local team as you had made and there is two or three leaders of this team too. So given to them to chosen their own parts as they can serves personally their level best and they also already had created their personal groups to full covering the whole areas under the local place as you chosen.
Actually it is like networks. One by one by two by four by more and more this is the systems and it would be first a social developing network and also keeping they will in their activities.
Finally when you will see the networks is doing very good and all the systems are available into the place of you chosen first, then you will needed to prepare for next steps.

Lesson: 5>>
After completed the systems you have to take a permanent address and center that peoples can find you easily. Now a question why peoples will needs to find you? No not at all because time is not coming to you to flashing in this societies.

You needed to make a center as a welfare center, and every kind of good and developing teaching will be including into the centers. Center must have at least four secession able area a) Women, b) men c) Child and youth d) Educational. The center will have to be a hard boundary wall and middle space will have using for Revival meeting, healing meeting, seminars, and others mission works activities. Yes the foundation will be fill at all as need for starting main missions.

Lesson: 6>>
Rural developing center: The main center will be lead rural developing centered into the targeting local areas. And they will make small groups to teaching about all kind of good works. And needed to back to asking to the main centered in a city place as you have completed previously mean before starting your works in rural areas that is Bible seminary. And Bible seminary students will have comes to the fields and they will go to peoples to sharing and praying for them. So from here the evangelism being starting to cover these areas. Rural areas are always needy and they really looks for getting ways to developing and most of rural peoples are not so educated therefore it is need to start from rural and need to covering villages by developing and with developing peoples will have getting many opportunities to learn about life, about Bible, about Christ about their duty and their activity and systems when will running with all these then a revival comes out from there and day by days will covering person by family by community by communities.

Lesson: 7>>
After that a new step will be stand to developing more that will be education center mean primary schools, high schools, college etc. But the main reason is to need explained here that every education center will be Biblical centered educational centers. It must me keep the rules and laws of the country and there will be a special common class and programs will be biblical subjects. For example in Bangladesh have board of Madrasa education and it is the systems having with national educational systems but there is common Islamic religious subjects, so if you wants to developing Christianity or new converted communities then 1st you needed to confirmed the education departments because without education and proper training no nation cannot stand strongly so this is very much important parts of our life’s and specially for Christians life’s.

Lesson: 8>>
After do these all above you have to be go back to Bible seminary and then you needed to teaching Bible seminary students about reality and practical experience also from this part will be start another points called new base. Child base, youth base, new converted base, women base, youth girls and boy’s base and this all base will be grown continually and creating day by days new communities and previously Bible seminar to new communities till you will have many experience about practical but if your foundation have strong then you can over any situation. Remember peoples are always wants to see the action and then they have trying to starting to believe so FOUNDATION is very important with ACTION.


Previous steps:

a)    Situation knowing.
c)     Systems have to be continuing (non stop and non breaking).
d)    Needed to invest a larger amount of monies.
e)     Don’t hearing from any other site without the previous systems and must have chosen a person who can helps to you to leading the systems.
f)      Harvest can be suit; If the farming been proper.

May the supper Lord bless you and God be with you to be stay in touch and serving continue in His Harvest in Jesus Name. Amen!!!

Founder, Chairman, Executives Director
Gospel Movement Church (TCRWO)
Khulna, Bangladesh.
Cell: +880-1930-964-195


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