u (GMC-TCRWO-BD) By Pastor J. B. Moonna : Why the peoples are blind on their own traditional activities way???

Jul 18, 2013

Why the peoples are blind on their own traditional activities way???

Why the peoples are blind on their own traditional activities way???

I would like to explain now about religion traditional activities makes peoples generation by generation fool of this present World. It is just stand on by blind faith on traditional laws of religions in Bangladesh.

In the year of 2010 the month of June to November I had been a village called Mohishmari in Kodombari union area under Rajoir Local police stations in Madaripur District of Bangladesh. There were live about 1200+ families and there had 70% Hindu religious peoples, and other 30% had Muslims. I has been to there for evangelism issue and the goal were build a foundation to made churches, the thought actually Church planting for sharing gospel to saved a larges amounts of families whom they all ever heard about Jesus and good news.

I just went to there as like a private educations teacher. I had met with a very good Hindu Family and the master of these family has been there as a Hindu society leader. I decided to stay on his house and he had arranged all to be stay there for me. 

At firstly I just teaching the children of that village and visits the whole areas into there. After a month fist time I prayed for a sick person in these village and shared to Him about the gospel of Lord Jesus and he healed by the name of the Lord Jesus and he who healed he believed that the real God is universal and Jesus Christ is the Son of God. And finally I gated a option to sharing continue gospel and he who believed first person of the village always helped me to go every where and than I called my some of Christians friends from another sub-city beside of the village. I called my friends to made a healing prayers group to continue preaching there and praying for the sick peoples as Bible said, go and heal the sick peoples and it was open a way to sharing gospel there. 

Now I would like to share here about there Hindu societies systems:

Actually there were live almost about 1200+ families and there were a social community systems on the Hindu religious peoples. Hindus are believed on three billions of gods and goddess. And they worshiped in front of statues. Also they believed on Wizard, violate the spirit of the people by the hypocrite and they believes the wonders activities. And finally there were a society leaders community about Rural honorable persons. And those leaders were controlled there society and all families were obey and respected them. 

If those leaders toked wrong decisions then the all families had followed according to the decisions of there Rural leaders of Hindu community. There were total 10 Rural representatives and 5 society leaders for those areas. There were lots of Hindu temples and lots of  statues and there were about 200+ Hindu religious Priests and most of them used Black Magics to controls peoples to serving them.

In Hindu religious have lots of Scriptures of the Hindu religious and they mainly followed their traditional systems I mean they worshiped their last generations gods and goddess. Every local Hindu society are different from each other, because several places have several traditional gods and goddess also their gods and goddess against each other gods and goddess. That means their gods and goddess also fighting to getting the higher positions to get worships from peoples. As like the nation of Israeli since the period of Mosses. 

After four months I been there I asked to my friends once a day to come for worshiping and praying to our almighty God and we decided by the lead of Holy Spirits that we need to preaching openly and had to be teaching there about truth of Lord Jesus Christ. That time were a Hindu religious Exhibition period and the village were decorated by beauty and wonders. Since that time about 21:00 a family had to started crying and there were a house wife who had born a baby and the baby were only two and half months old. The problem was the mother of those little baby were gated a bad spirit and she has been like a crazy and some times wanted to killed her baby and had not cared anybody even her husband and father in law and mother in law too.

The night of exhibition at 21:00 the mother of little baby had said to her husband that she will killed everyone than the mother in law of these housewife had met to the rural leader who he sheltered me to been there and the rural leader called me master, master, and I said yes sir, then the rural leader asked to me to go to the house for praying, and I just called my few new converted youth peoples to be participated with me there and about 17 youth peoples been there with me and when we been to the house since the housewife were inside of house and there were no opportunity to watch me from inside and for me to see her from out side. But! there were a miracle that the housewife who gated the evil spirit she crowed and crowded from inside and said why I been there? She asked me why I been there? She also said hey the passenger of true way what is the problem between you and me? Are you come to leaved me? I don't wanted to go. Please back away back away otherwise I killed you, Than I felt a shaking in my whole body and just said hey the bad spirit I said in Jesus name just stop your mouth and tell me who are you? Than the house was answered I am the highest spirit of gods and all the Hindu peoples called me The Director-General shall, I said to her okay this is not my interested to you but this time I command you in the name of Jesus just go away and never backed to this village because the gospel and the light had come to this village already go in Jesus name and the housewife were senseless, And I ordered to co-workers to ministering her and I had preaching there about the true of the Lord Jesus and the worked of Holy Spirit. Most of had humble to listened me after this night I went to another village for preaching. 

But the experience of my life had gated a new one that next afternoon when backed to my room the all rural leaders and societies leaders had came to my room and debated with me about there faith and my faith. They said to me that yes you are true, but you know we just wanna to follow our last generations, and last night what you had done it has liked our gods. 

After that I said to them, I am really sorry that you all are blind and you did not see the light, but the word of God and His willing already came to your house but you peoples don't wants to open your doors because the king of darkness just kept you all and you peoples really blind because your faith and you traditional faith and generational faith both of three are blind. 

I preaching here truth about Lord Jesus, I prayed in the name of Jesus and I ordered to the evil spirit by the name of Jesus but you peoples don't wanna to believed it but you peoples tried to asked to me to be a gods as like your traditional systems. I had done nothing, but in Christ I had done everything, if you peoples wanna to worship truly please do to the Lord Jesus not me or others humans. 

But they agreed with me than said actually their traditional systems are most important for them and then few numbers of families really accepted Jesus but there were no opportunity to pasturing them because I had not able to do because already the Hindu society leaders and rural representatives had made pressures on those poor families whom they really believed.

After That I went to met with a mission leader to provided funds to build there a church, but he won't agreed because there were needed about $30,000.00USD and the leader of these mission won't to be invested because actually ministry was a earning source for Him. A foreign missionary team funded this amount to Him but the mission leader who actually performer of minister but he was a pure Muslim and cleaver and he was a very bad corrector because he made money for His luxurious life spending. Therefore I leaved from that area because there were no way to ministering opportunities because the poor families were Low land and they lived in the land of the leaders of Hindu society in those village.

In Bangladesh the Islamic societies are reaches and they are able to made many Masc and Islamic resource centers and education centers therefore the blind faith is grownup faster day by days. Since the Hindu societies are like Islamic methods they also made their temples and education center from the temples systems.

But in Christianity is going down because most of Christians leaders, missions and others are very busy to build their self developments, trying to earning to showing the World peoples and missionaries falls fellowships centers and getting money to spending their own developments and luxurious life systems.

Therefore we has makes new methods and thoroughgoing and asking for helps to makes opportunities to make changed the ministry, missions systems because need changed to be established a strong foundation for the kingdom of God and opportunity to grownup faster in Christianity to be a healthy larges Christians community of Bangladesh.

Help us to make this changed for rebuild the systems to right away to be the blessings for the nations and be faithful to the ministering in the kingdom of God in Bangladesh, in Jesus Name Amen!

God bless.
Best Regards, 

Founder, Chairman, Executive Director
Gospel Movement Church (TCRWO)
Khulna, Bangladesh.
Email: moonna999@gmail.com
Cell: +8801930964195                            

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