u (GMC-TCRWO-BD) By Pastor J. B. Moonna : How do make easily new converted Christians communities in Bangladesh? Part-3

Jul 25, 2013

How do make easily new converted Christians communities in Bangladesh? Part-3

Welcome to the series of How do make easily new converted Christian communities in Bangladesh part-3:

"Explanations of changing things and new Methods to be new systems":

1) The first thing is that we need to be changed the Christianity systems in Bangladesh:

2) We need to be start again and it would be a model for Christianity in Bangladesh:

3) We need to be come-out from the traditional systems:

4) We need to be established Grassroots of society with new needs

5) We need to be established Biblical educations systems:

6) We need to be build each district each Assistance to orphans and destitute orphans through the center of the action in the formation of a healthy life.

7) We need to be makes opportunity to learn more about true life systems without any crime and sin.

 Descriptions of the sections of number 4 bellow:

4) We need to be established Grassroots of society with new needs

This is very important part for this series, and we need to be doing very carefully these.

a) In Bangladesh have lots of poor villages and rural communities, there is not good traveling way, Medical facilities, Educations facilities, Marketing facilities, Electricity facilities, and others so many lacks of regular lifers. Also they cannot getting national news's, agriculture is there main profession but they are still out of the technological agriculture systems and facilities. There peoples are under traditional religion systems and cultures too. Since still there dreams but they don't know about the present World. We can say in a sentence that there peoples are out of the present networks. There peoples are so needy, so if I will go to these likes of places and wanna to sharing the gospel but they actually will not able to give me time, because in the every early morning they shall investing their times for their job and their target in everyday to finished before end the light of Sun. For their family needs there peoples comes to markets at least 10-15 kilometers far by walking way, in the rainy times there peoples needs to prepared everything before end the rainy sessions and these times there children most of times lost educations because no way to go to school, and too turf for there peoples foods, waters, cloths, houses, medication and others basic facilities not available continue and especially rainy sessions and winter sessions in every years. Now is my point are there any opportunity to sharing gospel with them?  I think impossible. Because from early morning till end the light of Sun there peoples fighting on life, and after end the daily works too much tired comes down on there peoples, so there peoples are regularly go to bed very early evening because no entertainment, no electricity, no social facilities. In this faster World it is really hurts to hear about it, right? Just four days ago, I saw a news about a border area villages in Chuadanga district of Bangladesh. It was a survey that there is lives about 250 families, but no social and basic facilities there. A girl said to the surveyor that her school is far from her house about 9 kilometers and she needs to go by walking because there is not any good way to riding any Van, Rixa, and others Vehicles for riding and in the rainy sessions the walking ways are Add to mud that Imagine that you walk past in the mud and have become a way for schools to join. And another a village old person said, generations by generations we just under darkness and Education Deprived of the light. And therefore these kind of areas shall becomes day by days, generations by generations just fundamentalism and traditional systems, nothing else.  The summery is no way to add them without established there basic needs.  I'm right or wrong?

b) If there peoples haven are not peaceful, and there peoples have not no opportunity to getting rest enough, no entertainment, no basic facilities and lacks of life continue, so how there peoples can bring hearing opportunity to hear from any missionaries? Yes there is so many opportunity to sharing gospel and wining souls for the kingdom of God, If any ministerial missions can start developing there, I mean need to be start first a project from the basic platform, and before start need to makes relations with there local governments representatives, and they will helps to build a good mission there also opening many ways to build peoples for the kingdom of God and these kind of areas are becoming modern to adding the faster World and 100% they will be healthy because from the developing platforms will be included a spiritual parts for there life and both two things will help to becoming healthy day by days and they will be more of more hungry to wining souls for the Kingdom of God. Also a sentence can used here that who know well about sufferings? Who already passed it. So when the developing and passed over the sufferings, they will be more Interested to helps each others and these ways will be come out from the light of Jesus because Jesus is the symbol and example of the LOVE.

c) As I am continue writing about a basic thought that without learning, educations, and wisdom no any person, family, society, even nation can not be stand strongly to facing all these current life systems. For not enough basic facilities of human life in Bangladesh most of populations under education darkness, blind philosophy, fundamentalism and out of the creations truth and the modern faster World. So need to be know the basic systems to be enter to the missions to winning souls for the kingdom of God. As Lord Jesus has recommended to every believers that the new command: "Love each others, as I love you" so according to the new command of our Lord almighty Jesus Christ, we need to be start from the platform of Love. 

d) Why the needy peoples will hearing from missionaries?
** A bridge can makes a good communication both parts of a river. But when someone called to make a bridge and provided the needs and finally started to making the bridge, then peoples are comes to join with this also investing their best. I just mean to explained that need to be makes a center to start the missions. When a area we selected to working there or serving there actually we cannot finished because according to the history of Christians in Bangladesh it has happened and happening till today.

*** Human survival of the discovery, and the discovery of a missionary nature and characteristics should be helpful to unknown people searching for the truth. And mission agencies are willing to help existing and development of more serious and need to be kept regularly. Otherwise, the result will be the creation of much evil.***   

It is one of the biggest reason for not enough development in Christianity of Bangladesh. Only because missions not finished and peoples shocked from missions and cannot trust enough on mission. Another thing is when peoples watching that only few peoples kept developing their personal properties and finance I mean mission coordinator and leaders, and community just go down than previous. 

The solutions is only need to be changed the systems:

e) Fist steep should be creating a unity in mission. Rural developers and religious ministry should be start works together. The first thing here, Rural developers will be a part of ministries organizations and R/D (Rural Developers) will go to areas to makes communities and they will have to kept it continue also with this part will be included the evangelists parts and then there will be a good foundation and that would be makes a healthy new converted communities easy ways really.

f) According to my experiences I can give here a example. In the Gospel Movements Church (TCRWO) ministering history just showing to me this way that, it was 2012 December before our conference project in Meherpur we have a small fund and we were used the monies for providing winter cloths and blankets there and peoples of Meherpur has seen we tried and one family has converted about two years ago and he just promised to District In-charge at Gospel Movement Church (TCRWO) Meherpur to give his own land, the land for the church and the educational institutions, but in terms of the standard, in the middle of it, we do not stop this work, and it was His conditions. And I guise He is a old man and he has experiences about pasts missions in Bangladesh from many others peoples.

g) Need to start from Rural as I saying continue but how it would be start?
* Before I wrote about a projects from government of Bangladesh and the name of the program is "One House, One farm" How can we started? It will not so hard, but it is easy to communicated with rural peoples. We can start from a colonies or neighborhood places, and the program is we can use a rural developers group to makes relationship with rural needy families and it is more easy to contact with rural representatives to co-operate, and then it will be helpful. The project is, training to women's to learn about house farming I mean domestic animals, can be cows, goats, chickens, ducks etc and then providing fund to starting the projects and they will be able to be self supporting shall keeping abilities and will be stand a honorable positions. And with this supporting to be established themselves sessions evangelists group could be joined and then this rural groups will be developing both physical and spiritual and day by days these way will makes them to becomes a stronger foundations for these rural areas and from them will be start a revival to getting more souls to catch under develops chain to be stand as self supporting new converted communities in Bangladesh.

** For starting these project we can takes youth groups nearest rural projects areas to use them for co-operations with us. We need to catchup college students to using them for this project, because college students will be able to do three things together one they will trained from us then go to appointed for projects, two they will helps the rural peoples and will makes another local college students groups, three they will freely teaching the rural kids for helping them to be comes educated and we need to supporting continue monthly college students for involved themselves to this projects. 

h) Rural youth females can get hands works training, example sewing meshing riding and we will be need to be open a center to getting these training freely and need to helps the poor female youths in rural to be self supporter. Also rural youths male can trained from our center to using there local assets like, fish farms, chicken farms, etc. And for all these we will need to invest first for makes rural reconstructions center, will be need to buy land and started to the centers for getting training for them to be self supporters.

i) The all rural projects will be connected with Bible seminary students and these students will teaching them to build rural areas peoples to be healthy in spiritually and this process will be developing the population of Christianity in Bangladesh. 

 Descriptions of the sections of number 5 bellow:

5) We need to be established Biblical educations systems:

 How it would be possible to included the biblical education systems? It is really important and hard to included it with the whole systems. At firstly we need to be established a central center for the whole systems. As we planed, need to be buy a biggest land to be build the central center for the whole systems. The central system must be in a city and and there will be all facilities. There will be Bible seminary, Vocational course facilities, Agriculture course facilities, Aqua course facilities, Factory based course facilities, English medium school facilities, Technical course facilities, Social works training facilities, Farming course facilities, Church fellowships will be included with all in the central center. 

Every sections will build the youth peoples from rural communities and cities areas too. Not only for secular courses but every courses will be under a common subjects about theological and it will be developing the both sides of The agents took part in the training of all. There will be session based training programs with practical workshop. 

Special Note: At first have to be fill the central center needs, and then have to target to fill each district areas. Firstly a district need to be fill under these projects then the first district will be helpful to fill second district because when a district will be in our target than beside of our working district will let know well and then it will be helps to covering next district and these ways will be through us to covered fully under these ministries of Bangladesh.

Thank you.
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